Winter in Europe: I left to work in the warm weather of Dubai

After making the most of the snow I came back to Ibiza to get organised and prepare my office, ready to face to Ibiza’s summer season 2013. After last year’s success I knew it’s going to be huge.


Then one day I got a phone call from The Act in Dubai, Dubai’s newest and most exciting concept venue, asking me to work the opening in March. Well this is the kind of offer you can’t refuse, right? Simon Hammerstein’s extroverted Las Vegas export, complete with risqué stage performances .


So with only 3 weeks and not a lot of help, I must say I’m very pleased with the job I did. My great friend and polo mate Andrea Vianini came along with his girlfriend, top model Jodie Kidd also accepted my invitation to come to Dubai and attend the red carpet and Jude Law was one of the special guests.



My dear friend from LA , the artist Cari Sladek was a perfect partner to hang out in Dubai .


The weather in Dubai was great as usual, and I really enjoyed working out there because every gym is 5 Star. Not only that but I get to enjoy some of my favourite venues – like dinner at Zuma on Wednesdays, Okku on Sundays and Cirque du Soir parties on Mondays. My schedule was hectic but I loved every minute, especially at Blue Marlin, the Ibiza beach club that has such a strong presence in Dubai.


It was particularly good timing because it was polo season, I have to high light the great work does the local Mohamed Al Habtoor organizing the Gold’s cup . The best of the Dubai glamour attended this great event .






With Andrea Vianini , Cari Sladek and Jodie Kidd we went to attend the ” British Polo Day ” event .

I got to attend the most important sporting event in this country; The Dubai horse race World Cup.

The most amazing thing was the incredible outfits and hats that all the women were wearing. Royal Ascot eat your heart out, these ladies had serious style. Not only were the world’s VIP’s in town but there were loads of exciting events to attend. Talk about good timing!




I must also mention Ali the well know PR in Dubai, Abdullah who is super well connected , and Matthew Barrett from Pragma, all of whom are always dear hosts in this city. Thanks to you all.


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