Polo Trophy presented by Champagne Cristal

The  second tournament came only 2 weeks after we won the Ibiza Charity polo Cup .

Sponsored by Louise Roederer  and Caviars Per Se , was held to celebrate the international launch of the new Champagne Cristal bottle limited edition covered in gold. My team was joined by my very good friend , the argentinian polo legend Andrea Vianini who took big part of our victory 4-2 against Los Mariachis Polo Team ,  but unfortunaly suffered an accident with the horse and had to run to the hospital by ambulance!!

Roman Fortunato – Blue Marlin – Nialaya Polo Team ready to start


Andrea Vianini with the ball


Since I started playing polo Andrea has been a great help and support with his good advices .

Myself fighting with Los Mariachis’s patron Juande Dios.



Andrea Vianini unfortunately broke his shoulder and had to be take to the hospital .




The crowd by the field.



My great  friend Stephen Dorff again was by the field supporting – Love him!




The event was sponsored by Louis Roederer to launch  the new  bottle of Champagne Cristal,  hosted my the brand manager who came specially from Paris. The trophy was presented with a lot of  Champagne Cristal and caviar Per Se.


The team hostess were fabulous with Nialaya bracelets and Orbital sunglasses



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