L.A : My kind of city .

I love the US. I love the lifestyle, the people, the fashion. I might not agree with American politics but I can’t deny that I grew up watching  all the US 80′s  shows on TV, admiring American idols, I love skate boarding and many  rock n roll bands from LA.


I have so many friends there; my best clients in Ibiza are American or live in America:  Erick Morillo , Swedish House Mafia ,  Puff Daddy , Stephen Dorff, Paris Hilton , Jesse Waits from XS Las Vegas , Rony Seikaly  just to mention a few.

Every year I go to the Miami Winter Music Conference to see my clients and my friends, and to meet new ones. This year I just missed it because I had to go to Dubai. When my great friend Steve Angello invited me to go to LA and take a private jet to Las Vegas for the Encore pool party, and later go to XS Vegas, I didn’t waste a second getting the first plane I could.




I must say my dear friend Zee , the queen of House music, was an amazing host!! Wow! Thank you my love!! One of the smoothest guys in the music industry, XS and Encore’s owner Jesse Waits, was also an incredible host, he is such a smooth guy .



Being back in LA I seriously discovered I was born to live in this city. My boy Nicolas Bourboun was the best host I could have ever had! I stayed in his apartment at La Brea and in Hollywood which made everything much easier. One floor down I had a pool and a gym and I was right in the middle of everything. If you go to LA make sure u stay in the right area as everything there can be very far away!

I went at just the right time. I saw a lot of Ibiza people like Cathy Guetta and went to Beverly Hills to visit Mou Al Saul –  at Mou’s house I tried his  cool pilot helmet which remind me of the movie Top Gun.



I went to a basketball game with my buddy Jax to watch our friend Marc Gasol playing, and  passed by the recording studio to check James Blunt’s new album produced by Tom Rothrock. James, Gary Dourdain and I had dinner at Aventine  - my favourite restaurant in town owned by the LA’s best dudes Sylvian, JT and Lonnie.




My dear friends from Madrid, Javier Hidalgo and Gonzalito, were in Malibu so I went to visit and took them back to LA for some shopping around Melrose avenue; for me this was the trendiest area to hang out.



In Melrose my brother Jannik Olander opened his cool jewelry shop Nialaya, and he’s rocking LA. He literally became a celebrity in town in only 2 years, after started off with just with a dream and a lot of passion.




Around the corner from Nialaya I had lunch at Fred and Segal with my boy David, who showed me graffiti by his best friend Alec Monopoly who I’ve admired for a while.



has everything that I love. Organic food everywhere, sunshine, friendly people, fashion, cool motorbikes, skateboarding, rock n roll and hot blonde girls, plus the coolest street art by Mr Brainwash, Obey, Alec Monopoly and more fresh new artists.  I skateboarded in Santa Monica, went to visit my friend Gary Dourdain in Venice beach and ended up in Malibu at Stephen Dorff’s beach house after the screening of his new movie “The Motel Life”. Wow! What an amazing movie!! Pay Attention!





As you can imagine I had the best time ever in LA. It couldn’t have finished in a better way than when my dear friends Javier and Mou invited me to the Rolling Stones’ kick off concert for the new tour “50 & counting”. MY GOD!! It was dream come true!! My favourite band performing in my favourite city, VIP Tickets inside the stage, and on top of that I met an old friend – the Victoria Secret’s icon Alessandra Ambrossio!!





Could I ask for more?? Actually yes, I found the dopest skateboard from the 80′s; a Santa Cruz Rob Roskoop with a pink face and yellow wheels. But I left it in Nialaya so now I wait until my friend Jannik ships the skateboard back together with some jewellery I bought myself.


All in all, the best time ever. So pay attention to my next 2 months trip to LA LA land, coming up next winter.








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