Great start of season with my LA boys.

Wow!! what a summer ! I’ve been that busy that not even time to pass by here and blog day by day . So far I started the summer with a great gang from LA , my boy David came direct from Cannes film festival with his best buddy , the famous street artist Alec Monopoly and Barron Hilton , Paris’s brother , first time in the island , young dude but  very smooth!  The day after David , Alec and Barron arrived , showed up in the island my old time partner in crime Stephen Dorff who came with Marky and Andrei ( Guns n Roses’s tour manager ) . As some of the things i do best is hook up ppl to each other so Monday 27th of May I puted every one together and we went to DC 10 opening party . We seriously were a killer gang :

With the same boys we went to Formentera and also Pacha’s 40th anniversary ! 40 years of Pacha!! Well done and congratulations to all the team to make this night club in a true Ibiza icon !

While my boys were in town I was also working hard to prepare the 1st polo game of my team Roman Fortunato Real Estate & Concierge Polo Team . Sponsored by Blue Marlin , Nialaya and Orbital .

I enjoy a lot to have my own polo team , I love to practice polo but having my own team requires to hard  on the marketing , merchandising , sponsoring ,  scouting the girls and many other things that I like to do . Im very blessed to have the friends I have so every time I need their support they came with out any issue like Stephen Dorff did when in June  I launched in Blue Marlin  the team jersey for this season 2013 . In the picture we are with the team hostess and Jella Omes , owner of Blue Marlin .




One of the polo practices in Ibiza Polo Club .

One of the polo practices


Also from LA beginning of the season arrived this dope old school skateboard Santa Cruz Rob Robskoop face that I bought when I was there in April and my hermano Jannik Olander from Nialaya sent it together with the silver Nialaya skull that I placed in my penthouse.



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