4th Ibiza Beach Polo – Champions again!

The Beach Polo Tournament is the main event for Ibiza Polo Club and the  club’s owners Gabriel Iglesias and Eva Marquez are the organizers  . After the great success experienced    in the other 3 editions joined by the best polo player Adolfo Cambiaso among other elite players , the expectations were high for what now has became a classic in the island season social calendar.  On 13th of July ,  10 teams and 30 players from different countries  played head to head . My team this time was joined by me  ,  Juande Dios and as Andrea Vianini was  still injury from the last tournament ( see other post ) , who  took the main role  was Henry Brett , the  british polo legend who captained the  national team for many years. Also Henry is considered the best polo player in England in the last 20 years.


The Ibiza Beach Polo trophy



Same trophy was gained last year by  the best polo player off all times Adolfo Cambiaso and his team La Dolfina ( right ) in a tight finale against Andrea Vianini’s Ciroc Polo Team ( left ) .   My good friend James Blunt presented the winners of what is  considered the most important trophy in ” Polo on arena ”



Our team Roman Fortunato / Blue Marlin / Nialaya / Orbital –  Myself , Henry Brett and Juande Dios.




We won 3 games in the weekend   and passed to the final against Scholl Media,  but had to face this last game with out Henry as he injured his back  in the semi finale – Very concerned about   the absence of  our main player in the finale , after a long chat Juande and I decided to invite young argentianian proffessional Diego Gomez .



Paying attention to our team’s professional player. We were very nervious before the  final game!




It was a very tough game against Scholl Media who were the big candidates to win the trophy , specially after  our captain Henry Brett got injured .



Juande and I  played very concentrate in defense and  Diego didn’t miss  the right opportunities   to score the goals ,  so finally we won 5 – 3  and took home the 4th Ibiza Beach Polo trophy !!



Time for celebrations !! #Workhard #PaysOff



Beautiful girls and fashion shows is a must at our polo events – Francesca Guise’s fashion Show





A lot friends and kids were by the field watching the finale and fashion shows while  a dj was playing music .




Once again can not forget to give a huge thanks to our team sponsors ! Huge thanks to  Jella and Mattia from Blue Marlin , to  Jannik Olander from Nialaya and Gustavo Holstein from Orbital sunglasses to have trust to us in our 1st season where our team was joined by some of the best polo players in the world like Nic Roldan in the 1st Ibiza Charity Cup , Andrea Vianini in The Champagne Cristal trophy and Henry Brett in the 4th Ibiza Beach Polo Cup . Really looking forward for the next season and the titles coming up!!








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